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What kinds of property can be considered chattel real?

Chattel is defined as tangible personal property that can be moved. Chattel can include items such as livestock, furniture, or jewelry. Chattel real is any land, building or equipment that is under a lease agreement. With chattel real, the lease allows one party the use of the other person's property in exchange for payment.

What is the difference between chattel and real estate?

While real estate means that you own the land, chattel property sits on rented land. Therefore, manufactured homes on rented land are not considered real estate since the owner does not own the land, but instead leases the lot (in addition, the home can be moved, if desired).

What services does Chatel Real Estate provide?

Chattel can include items such as livestock, furniture, or jewelry. Chattel real is any land, building or equipment that is under a lease agreement. With chattel real, the lease allows one party the use of the other person's property in exchange for payment. Chattel real includes things such as a leased apartment or leased farming equipment.

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